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General Preorder FAQ. Preorder specific details should be found on the preordered item's page.

1. Preorder pieces are only put into production once the necessary goal is met.


2. The goal can be checked by viewing the availability above the item's title on the product page. This example indicates that 25 are necessary to fulfill the goal. The number will decrease as preorders are bought.


3. If the goal is not reached within two months, one of two things will happen: one, all money will be returned for your preorder and the project will be cancelled. Or two, if the goal is close enough, the project will proceed and be offered as a limited item with low quantity.


4. Preorders have specific bonuses which are entailed in the description. Some are offered at a discount for the preorder quantity only, some are offered with a bonus free good. Bonuses are only guaranteed as stated.


5. Preordered metal specifically might have some changes to the final details of the piece in order to be possible. These should be minimal changes and will be communicated to you via email.


6. When you preorder, your email for checkout will be used to give you updates to the status. These will include emails about reaching goal, sampling, and final look. Please make sure to whitelist my email, kat at clinkorz dot shop, to get these updates.


7. You can change your shipping address up until fulfillment, but will have to pay the difference if the shipping changes from domestic to international.


8. If you buy multiple items with the preorder, they will only ship once the preorder item is ready to ship as well. If the preorder project is going to be cancelled, you can opt to receive a refund on the preorder project but still get the other items shipped without issue.


9. Up until the preorder is shipped to you, you can add items to the order to ship all together. 


If you have further questions, please feel free to use the contact button to message me.