I am on holiday break until 2 January!


FFXIV Cahciua Outrunner Metal and Enamel Keychain


FFXIV Adhered (non swap) Custom Character ID Plate Keychain with Portrait (2 Week Fulfillment)


FFXIV Custom Character ID Plate Additional Tile Magnets for Name, Job, Data Center, and Portraits


FFXIV Custom Character ID Plate Pin or Tag Keychain with Portrait (2 Week Fulfillment)


FFXIV Azeyma's EXP Earring in Acrylic Clip-on, Post, or Necklace


FFXIV Thyrus Metal and Enamel as Necklace, Keychain, or Pin


FFXIV Thancred's Gunblade Enamel Metal as Necklace Keychain or Pin


FFXIV Elidibus Constellation Memory Stone


FFXIV Lahabrea Constellation Memory Stone
