I am on holiday break until 2 January!
Equip yourself for your next adventure!


Discontinued FFXIV Metal Meteion Brooch as a Necklace Keychain or Pin in Two Colors


XC3 Noah's Veiled Sword as a Necklace Keychain or Pin Metal and Enamel


XC3 Noah's Flute as a Necklace Keychain or Pin in Metal and Enamel


XC3 Mio's Flute as a Necklace Keychain or Pin in Metal and Enamel


FFXIV Menphina's Earring in Acrylic Clip-on, Post, or Keychain


XC2 Pneuma Aegis Blade Enamel Metal as Necklace Keychain or Pin UPDATED


XC2 Pyra and Mythra Aegis Earrings as Posts or Clip-ons


FFXIV Inspired Healer Meme Metal Pin Badge


FFXIV Emet-Selch Glyph Cosplay Mask or Display
